One part of our role as a woman is unarguable- that is the nurturing and teaching of our children. Yet the teaching of this particular subject is one of the most difficult and uncomfortable things we are asked to do. And yet so important that we teach- avoiding Pornography. I want to protect my children's innocence, but in this wicked world that we live in, we need to talk to our children very early in order to "innoculate our children against the epidemic of pornography". I don't want to rehash all the statistics that are out there, but they are now saying children as young as 7 are being exposed and becoming addicted to hard-core porn, before most parents even consider discussing the dangers. Ignorance is risk!
We need to prepare them for the confusing and probably conflicting feelings they will have when (not if) they are first exposed to porn. They need to know how their brain works, what to do, and decide for themselves what they will do when they are accidentally exposed. Porn is more addictive than most drugs, and usually only takes that second look before their brain rewires itself to seek out more.
I feel very lucky to have stumbled upon this fantastic book- "Good Pictures, Bad Pictures"! It is a picture book, designed to read along with your 7 to 12-year-old child. It uses the comfortable setting of a mother and son enjoying a family photo album and models a conversation that teaches a simple definition of pornography (even for kids who have not yet learned the detail of sex). Chapter by chapter, kids learn about addiction and their "two brains" and how one of them can be tricked by viewing pornography, while the other can take control and prevent addiction.
I am passionate about this topic right now, as I know this is Satan's most powerful tool in destroying children and families. However, I have not done the best job at talking openly with my children on this topic, and it needs to be done! My husband and I read it with our 9-year-old and 12-year-old and thought it was perfect in teaching them what they needed to protect themselves and also helped us open the communication with them. It really helps open up a great conversation that I don't feel super comfortable starting on my own.
If you are my neighbor, I'd be happy to loan you my copy of the book. You can also buy it on Amazon for $12.49 or check it out from your local library.
I also recommend these other 2 books along similar lines. The Brad Wilcox book is great for a child who has recently had the "big talk" or gone to a maturation program and helps fill in the gaps, using a religious perspective, that may have been left. The Eyres' book covers how to talk to your kids of any age about these difficult topics. I especially love how they always emphasize that sex is a wonderful and positive thing, where I feel like our generation was taught that sex is evil and dirty and should not be discussed.
Please share your thoughts and ideas along this topic. I know we need all the help we can get in fighting Satan and this powerful weapon he is using against our children!
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