Sunday, January 25, 2015
My Notes on a talk by Sheri Dew- Again, she helps clarify our Role
I had the amazing opportunity, when invited by a dear friend, to hear Sheri Dew speak at a 3-Stake Women's Conference about an hour from my home. I feel like she is the woman who always helps to clarify our role as women, both to women in the church and to those outside our church as well. I'd like to share my notes and the things I learned from hearing her speak.
She thanked the Stake Presidents for being there because they hold the "keys" needed to hold this meeting. Just as a key opens something, their priesthood keys open the "flow" of priesthood power to all in attendance. She said if we did not have those keys, we had no authorization to hold this meeting and that we may as well go out for a burger!
She called up all the Young Women in attendance to come stand with her in the front. They are Women of God in the making. They look to us, but we can learn from them. One thing that all previous prophets have testified of is the last days. These Young Women have been held in reserve for the best of the last days. At Becky Lockhart's funeral, her daughter said, "My mom is a great example of choosing good in a world of evil," which was a great compliment to her.
In an interview with an international reporter, Sheri was asked the difficult question if she believes that members of our church have more access to God's power. She had to answer yes, because we have made covenants or promises to God and when we keep our covenants, that unleashes God's power. She said the Interviewer was touched by the Spirit, because the Spirit comes when we teach truth. She was also warm and wonderful, not offended and gave her a very fair representation in the article. Sheri also joked that if she ever married, it would be Church News-worthy and we should look for it on the front cover. It is such an endearing quality that she is so real and jokes about this.
She shared two experiences she had recently with two Young Adult women. Both were in similar situations several years ago in their late teens- they both had some questions and doubts about the gospel. One kept them to herself until she quit believing, made poor choices, and found herself pregnant and alone. The other voiced her questions to Sheri and her bishop and did the work to research and pray for answers and peace. This second Young Woman is now worthy and ready to go to the temple.
We all have questions. Sheri says she does not have the question many do about women not holding the Priesthood, but she does wonder why she has never been able to marry. We need to make it safe and easy for our children or our students to ask questions. That leads to answers and truth which pushes away evil. We must be willing to engage in the WRESTLE just as Enos, Alma, and Paul. When we ask a question and have to wrestle to gain an answer, that is when we grow and our testimony grows. We leverage the strength of the truth to wrestle our questions to the ground.
The doctrine of the priesthood can only be known through personal revelation, but these 5 truths are important to consider.
1) Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ are Perfect
2) This is Jesus Christ's church and he is actively involved, therefore we cannot compare the church to a government or corporation.
3)We have a living prophet and apostles
4)Women are vital to the Lord's Church! Just as many women as men teach, lead, and preach each week in our church.
5)Women have as much access to the priesthood as men. When we are set apart in callings, we are given priesthood authority to fulfill those callings. When we are Endowed in the Temple, we are being endowed with priesthood power.
Sheri encourages women to engage in the WRESTLE to understand why women don't need to be ordained to the priesthood. She suggests reading D&C 88,104,76 as a good place to start. We need women to tackle big questions, not be swayed to hear crafted arguments, and who can persevere.
She told the story of how she came to write her famous talk "Are we Not All Mothers?" She had been offended by a discussion about families amongst the leaders of the church. They had insisted on trading the word woman for Mother and Sheri was the only one present who was not a parent. Yet she had the impression to speak on Motherhood, so the talk came because she was willing to wrestle this question and offense and a brilliant speech inspiring all members of the church came about because of that wrestle.
I was thrilled to be able to hear her speak yet again on such a relevant topic right now. People are confused about Women and the Priesthood. Some are going about having that question answered in the wrong way. We are not asked to follow blindly. We are encouraged to ask our questions and be willing to wrestle to get the answers. And yet we also need to accept that we will not know the answers to everything yet, but as a people of faith, we must continue to show our faith. Sheri is a wonderful example to all LDS Women regardless of our individual situations.
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